
Working Experience in the area of “Livelihood Improvement”

Gaibandha is one of the poorest and disaster-prone districts in Bangladesh. Char land people have been faced different calamities with their limited efforts. Under such circumstances USS has been playing a principal role in order to improve their living status or livelihood. USS always emphasis to involve the beneficiaries in different livelihood development work need provide training support in respect of agriculture, livestock, fishery, small enterprise, poultry, cattle fattening, establishment of nursery and homestead vegetable garden with relevant skill development training and technical supports.


These are the projects that USS has implemented on livelihood improvement;

Sl. N Project Title Funded by Duration of the Project
1 Revolving Loan Fund UST 1991
2 Regenerative Agriculture (Swabolombee Krishi) UST/UCN 1999-2003
3 Echo Agriculture MCC Bangladesh 2000-2004
4 Elimination of Monga of Char land through Employment and Income Generation Netz Bangladesh 2007-2009
5 Livelihood Improvement For the Extreme Poor (LIFE) HEKS 2009-2012