
Working experience in the area of “Health Improvement”

USS has been working in this area with an aim to reduce the mortality and morbidity rate of mother and child through improvement of hygiene situation in the rural areas. The working strategies of this area are supply safe drinking water and sanitation, creation of awareness through campaign program. Some major activities are distributing of tube well, sanitary latrines, perform folk song/drama show, undercut model village, display video/film show, and yard meeting on hygiene education.

USS has worked on several projects on health Improvement one of them was “Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program” with the help of Water Aid Bangladesh and UST since 2000-2004 in Saghata upazila of Gaibandha district. Under this project USS had distributed tube well and sanitary latrine among the poor family, conducted weekly yard meeting with women on hygiene and health education. USS also implemented “Drinking water supply and sanitation” project with the help of NGO Forum in 1999-2005 in Saghata.


Others relevant projects which have been implemented by USS are;

Sl. N Project Title Funded by Duration of the Project
1 Community Health Development VHSS 1988
2 Arsenic Pre-Assessment CARE Bangladesh 2003-2004
3 Drinking Water Security for Poor and Women BCAS 2005-2009
4 Advocacy for poor’s access to the local public health service European Union 2010-2012
5 Provide AIDS awareness supports to the community Caritas Bangladesh 2007