
Working Experience in the area of “Good Governance and People organization development”

USS emphasized to increased responsiveness of the local government and community service provider institutions which the women and handicapped along with the most neglected peoples of the society be benefited and will better service. USS emphasized to increase responsiveness of the local government and community service provider institutions so that neglected people along with whole civil society will be benefited. It is always trying to activate or reactivate local government structure by keeping a good relationship and by providing different participatory training sessions.

USS has been implemented several projects with the help of several donor Organizations. As like as below;

Sl. N Project Title Funded by Duration of the Project
1 Strengthening Local Government VERC/Cored-aid Netherland 2004-2006
2 Creative Responsiveness of Rural and Urban Governance for promotion and protection to women rights GUN/Step Towards Development (STD) 2006-2007
3 Democratic Local Government Project SAP Bangladesh 2007
4 Voter & Civic Education and Election Observation of 9th Parliament Wave Foundation 2007-2008
5 Hello MP and Policy Advocacy Institute of Informatics and Development (IID) 2013