
Working Experience in the area of “Gender Equality and Women Empowerment”

USS committed to abolish all kinds of discrimination and suppression, social deprivation, oppression and social injustice from the society as it knows that this will pave the way to empower women and helpless people to increase transparency and accountability at every level to establish women empowerment in the society. Though the education rate, awareness and earnings have been increased, women not yet empowered in our society. Women are being neglected in varies aspects, so women and gender sensitivity are supplementary importance in development at present 50 percent of people are women in our society; proper development cannot exist while excluding them. On this believe USS prioritizes women’s empowerment and promotes gender sensitization as a crosscutting issue.


USS implemented various programs focusing on promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment are;

Sl. N Project Title Funded by Duration of the Project
1 Strengthening Movement to advance women rights and Gender equality Steps Towards Development/Netherland Embassy 2006-2007
2 We Can Campaign GUK/European Union 2005-2007
3 Creating Union Federation towards women empowerment and enhances the process of child rights Governance Coalition (Danida) 2005-2008
4 Women Empowerment and Gender Equality UST 1999-2003